Boost Your Metabolism While Getting High Blood Pressure Under Control and Dropping Pounds with the DASH Diet

Based on research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the DASH diet has helped countless people get healthier and lower blood pressure levels without having to resort to medication. If you’re looking for a diet plan that can help with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and losing weight, this diet is highly recommended by many dietitians and health professionals.

The type of foods you can eat on the diet include lean proteins like poultry, fish, and beans, a selection of fruits and vegetables, dairy or dairy alternatives, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. A key part of this diet is limiting added sugar and sodium. Developing good portion control practices is also key to success.

DASH Diet Resources at Amazon

If you purchase any of these resources through our affiliate links, we receive compensation, at no additional cost to you.

The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution

Marla Keller is a leading nutrition expert, and she explains everything you need to know about the DASH diet. In addition to crucial information, Keller provides you with some recipes, menu plans, and more to help you get started successfully. Order this book here.

The DASH Diet Mediterranean Solution

The DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet have similarities, and in this book, Marla Keller shares how you can blend both to enjoy a wide variety of delicious foods while still maintaining a focus on reducing hypertension, and cholesterol, or managing type 2 diabetes. Meal planning, recipes, and diet strategies are provided in an easy-to-read format. Order this book here.

DASH Diet Meal Prep for Beginners

It’s a lot easier to follow the DASH diet when you can plan meals ahead of time. With this helpful book, Dana Angelo White makes this super easy to do. White shares 80 delicious and healthy recipes for you to try, and she gives you step-by-step meal preparation guidance. Order this book here.

DASH Diet Cookbook for Beginners

This bestselling cookbook by Grace Ruiz, a professional dietitian, contains a whopping 2000 recipes. Plus, she includes an 8-week meal plan. With so many delicious options, you’ll always be able to prepare meals, beverages, and snacks that help you maintain your dietary goals. There’s a lot of other useful information about nutrition and she also extensively explains how the diet works. Order this cookbook here.

Low/No Sodium Snacks at Amazon

If you purchase any of these snacks through our affiliate links, we receive compensation, at no additional cost to you.

365 Organic Unsalted Pretzel Twists

Heart Smart Unsalted Mixed Nuts Trail Mix

Wheat Thins Hint of Salt Crackers

Bussin Boxes Heart Healthy Snacks for Adults